Tag Archives: Enigma machine

The Many Reasons Why…

As I am sure, there are many reasons why each of the computer science majors across the country are pursuing their majors.  I just can’t shake the natural borne skeptic that I am, as I encounter each much younger than I am C.S. major at my school that wants to create the next “f’ ing awesome” game and rake in the millions it will bring.

I am under no illusions. I worked for a small “dreamy eyed” dot com in the late ’90’s that to my knowledge has never made a large gallop out of the gates, even after my position was downsized in 2002. They were going to rake in the millions as well and us with what became worthless stock options.

Becoming recently fascinated as I am with the real pioneers  of the field: Alan Turing & John von Nuemann , men that created computers out of nothing, out of necessity, out of the real honest need to accomplish nothing short of saving the allies from the axis during WWII.  How can we not be moved to give pause and think what are some of the other reasons why we are doing this, are there any reasons other than money for ourselves or our companies.

It isn’t the real context of what Steve Jobs meant in his statement; but is there another chance that we can “Make a Dent in the Universe”?

I came into this wanting to make a new financial security for my family and remain committed to that cause; but why can’t there be another greater cause…something else, something greater. More reasons why.