

My name is Brent L. Gass. I am a “non-traditional” student at Austin-Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. The reason I am referred to as “non-traditional” is because I am an adult student that has already obtained a previous four-year degree at an earlier time in my life.  The second degree I am after is a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology.

This blog is a recording of that journey.  A statement of what I learn in the classroom, what I learn from my classmates (many of whom are young enough to be my children) , and what I learn on my own.  There might be postings about directly related topics to computer science and technology; then again I might post about my other interests in the history and ethics of the computer sciences and technology in general.  I might even post about unrelated maters having to do with my commute or how hard it is to be an adult student.

Enjoy the ride over the next few years as I embark on this wonderful journey and restart my professional life.


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